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At the lake

Services and packages

Below briefly goes over what services I offer.

These are the services that I offer as a Birth and Postpartum Doula and Babywearing Educator. Prices will depend on what type of service you want, so please contact me for more information. Sliding scale can be available upon request.

Birth Services 
(these services are currently unavailable )

PostPartum services

A Mothers Blessing Celebration

Birth Doula

I'll assist with helping plan what you want and what you expect from your labour and delivery . I will also assist with going over pain management techniques. You will also have my undivided attention during your labour and 1 - 2 postpartum visits. You will also have all the resources I have available to you.

Postpartum Doula

I can help out around the house where needed (Laundry, light cleaning etc), I offer breastfeeding support, be an emotional and physical support to you and your partner. Giving you opportunities to eat, sleep and shower just to name a few.
There is also an option for taking a night shift with the new baby.

A mothers blessing is a coming together of your community, your circle and celebrating you as a mother. Celebrating the miracle growing with in you.

Each celebration looks different just as everyone's journey into motherhood looks different.

I would be honored to plan your blessing 

Babywearing Services

Lending library

Pet Services

Babywearing consultant

Aside from being a Doula I am also a certified Babywearing educator. I can help with learning how to wear a newborn to figuring out a what style of carrier is right for you. 

For a better idea how I can help you, please contact me so we can chat !

Resources at your disposal

I have lots of books that can be helpful to you and your partner during this time. As a client you will have full access to them and any media files I have.

Often when we are in the midst of big life changes ( like adding another family member) the focus on our pets can become less of a priority. This is an area I like to offer help with. Whether it's taking your dog out for a walk, making sure your cats litter box has been emptied, or picking up pet food for you; I'm here for your furry family members.

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